Interested in learning more about our work? Below is a list of publications that describe our collaborative and individual work on a wide range of workforce development topics. Many of our articles are available to download for free.
- From Region 3: COVID-19 Outcomes among the Hispanic Population of 27 Large U.S. Cities 2020–2021
- 🔒 From Region 3: Feasibility of Student-designed, Peer-led Classroom Physical Activity Breaks in Graduate School
- From Region 3: OjO Latino. A Photovoice Project Seeking the Recognition of Latino Presence in Pittsburgh, PA
- From Region 5: Public Health Workforce Development During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From a Qualitative Training Needs Assessment
- From Region 2: Enumeration of the Public Health Workforce in New York State: Workforce Changes in the Wake of COVID-19
- From Region 2: COVID-19 Vaccine Administration: Phase 2 of an in Progress Review in New York State Local Health Departments
- From Regions 4, 7, and 10: Learning to Lead: 3 Models to Support Public Health Leadership Development
- From Region 2: Advancing Leadership Training to Address Health Equity and Respond to Public Health Emergencies
- From Region 9: Competency Status and Desire for Training in Core Public Health Domains: An Analysis by Job Level
* Articles with a lock icon are restricted from public access.